aaronmarkham | 2025-01-21 | Computer Science | nova | Source
Nowadays, more and more images are available. Annotation and retrieval of the images pose classification problems, where each class is defined as the group of database images labelled with a common semantic label. Various systems have been proposed for content-based retrieval, as well as for image classification and indexing. In this paper, a hierarchical classification framework has been proposed for bridging the semantic gap effectively and achieving multi-category image classification. A well known pre-processing and post-processing method was used and applied to three problems; image segmentation, object identification and image classification. The method was applied to classify single object images from Amazon and Google datasets. The classification was tested for four different classifiers; BayesNetwork (BN), Random Forest (RF), Bagging and Vote. The estimated classification accuracies ranged from 20% to 99% (using 10-fold cross validation). The Bagging classifier presents the best performance, followed by the Random Forest classifier.
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